I've been noticing a makeup moment happening lately especially on some of the more mature celebrities out there- where cheeks are glistening with a wet-look finish. This style is wonderful for more mature skin because it helps diffuse texture, and avoids a powdery finish which can sit heavy on the skin. The light reflecting quality looks hydrated and healthy as well as helps to add a lifted look to your cheeks. Let me show you how!
Season 19 of Studio 5 has kicked off- and it’s my 11th season on the show! Hard to believe…but I am always so grateful to have had this experience in my life. We kicked off with a LIVE studio audience, which is always such a treat. The women who watch our show are honestly so supportive and the community is next to none.
Casey and I got to team up for a Fall Trend segment, and it was such a blast. We each shared our top picks for Fall beauty and fashion trends that we are looking forward to the most, take a peek.
Back to school means rushed early mornings for teens... so a routine that is quick and efficient is critical. But teens also want the latest in trendy products too... so today I've Compiled a list with the help of my own teens and their friends of back to school beauty must haves that check all the boxes.
One of my goals, and favorite parts of my job is to 'snoop' out and investigate big claims by beauty brands about their products... I have three products today that we are going to live test on the air for the first time to find out... does it work?!
It's no secret that AI is here to stay, and the advances it brings along with it can be super helpful for daily tasks, but did you know that AI can also help create a custom beauty routine for you, or help you find inspiration for a new look? Here are 4 ways I am using AI in my beauty routine
We are squarely in the coldest temps of the year, and you may notice your makeup doesn't sit as well on your skin or your hair falling victim to that dreaded winter static. Take a few cues from my tried and true tips and products to winter-proof your look...
Whenever I hear about a new technique to help women personalize their own makeup, I get excited! Understanding the nuances of selecting the right colors for yourself can be tricky, but with more knowledge you'll be better able to choose, so today we are talking about understanding your face's contrast level.
Contrast level is the amount of contrast (how light/dark something is when placed next to one another) found in your features. Specifically the contrast between your skin level, hair/ brow color, and the pigment in your lips. Think about how a photo that’s black and white, is actually many variations of grey. The bigger the jump from the lightest grey to the darkest grey the more contrast you have.
Once the weather starts to cool down, I find myself feeling a bit more excited to experiment with makeup again. There is something about losing my tan, that motivates me to add more color in another way. I just feel like my face can ‘carry’ more color in the cooler months, does anyone else feel that way too?
One of my go-to techniques for this is to use my blush product as my lip product too. Here's how to pull it off...
Brooke and I love a good girl-friend chat, so throw in some makeup and a roulette wheel- and it’s bound to be a good time! Here’s a look at a few of the things you can find in our makeup bags, plus I share even more spins over on my IG here if you want a closer look at what’s in that bag.
As we inch closer to Summer and the weather heats up, we start to stock up on the Summer staples like sunscreen and aloe vera. But there are a few extras that you can add into your Summer essentials to leave your skin and hair in better shape, even once those temps rise.
There are some products that just stand the test of time- and even when you venture out to try something new, you find your way back to those oldies but goodies. The products you are in a long-term relationship with, the ones you are committed to! I have quite o few of these favorites, but I narrowed it down to 5… the criteria being that I must have used them for at least 3 years and/or repurchased them 5 times. So take a look at my list, and be sure to share your own with me over on IG