It's time to get
! Today I decided to rock a little edgier look- but let's face it... I still look pretty girly wearing sparkles and hot pink. I tried.
For this fun look I used my
to simply place a single row of waves in the
mid-section of my hair, and left the ends stick straight to finish the look with a 'tougher' vibe. This look works best for shoulder length hair or longer, and I recommend you don't start your wave any higher than cheekbone level.
To start, work with straight hair that is parted near the center (this also key for the rocker look). Next section the hair so you can start waving from the bottom near the nape of your neck, and pin everything else up out of the way.
Place the waver at the base of the hair near the nape, using a large 2-inch horizontal row, and clamp down. Heat through for 6-10 seconds and then release- you'll find a 3-shaped wave has formed and your ready to repeat on all subsequent sections. Make sure you hold the waver with the same orientation on both sides of your head. I like to have the bottom flatter side closest to my face- this way the wave peaks and valleys are the same on both sides.
Remember that you want all the waves to be focused in one visual 'row' around your head, so this means that you may need to place the waver in using visual markers. For example, each strand would be clamped higher on the strand for the underneath pieces or lower on the strand for the top pieces, with the goal to keep the wave line consistent near your cheekbone.
Follow up by running your flat iron across the ends to get a smooth, pin-straight finish. A little fluffing and some hair spray, and your ready to rock! This
is really affordable, and comes in handy for lots of styles. You can create faux-finger waves, Victoria Secret volume, and effortless beachy looks in a snap!
Thanks for your love and support! I am so grateful for all of you- seriously.
For more fun please follow along with me on
! @beautysnoop