/I love wearing dark lipstick, but I've had too many embarrassing moments when I realized that the color had slipped off my lips and on to my face in public. After a few of those 'uh..what the hell!?!' moments, I started looking for a better answer- and after a lot of trial and error, I finally discovered the amazingness of using a physical barrier around the perimeter of my lips to keep the color in place.
It all started when I had tried to use my finger to wipe away some excess lipstick that had snuck passed the perimeter of my lips. I was left with a pink stain on my skin that needed to be covered up ASAP otherwise I would have looked like the joker, and let's be honest- that is NOT a good look.
I would have reached for the concealer, but I feared getting my fingers in to the mix again, would only smear things even greater. So out of shear desperation I reached for my nude eyeliner, and to my surprise it worked perfectly and the rest is history!
Since then I have researched, and found out that others use this technique, so I'm certainly not the only one who's had the idea, but I wanted to share it with you because it has been a life saver for me, and now hopefully for you as well.
Now, before I apply any lipstick I pre-line with a nude liner to create a physical barrier for the color and the clean up the perimeter especially around the corners of my mouth where color can easily wander. In addition to all that goodness, the flesh tone give an optical illusion of fuller lips by highlighting those nice curves!
My two favorites are the Nude
Waterproof Kohl liner from Rimmel London
which also comes in Taupe and Brown for darker skin tones. And even better in my opinion is the
Chella Cosmetics Highlighter Pencil
which comes in Ivory, Cinnamon, and Latte so all your colors are covered! It's an easy fix and makes a world of difference- give it a try I don't think you'll be disappointed!
Love to you all! Let me know in the comments below if you have any other good lipstick techniques to share. xoxo