/You've all heard the phrase... 'mom-hair', and it's usually accompanied with a negative connotation. And while I love to rock a 4-day-old messy top knot, just like the best of em, I also appreciate a style that's put together and chic.
Here are a few of my favorite quick ways to update classic mom-hair looks [Video]
The Polished Pony- ditch the sleek pulled tight look, and opt for a soft relaxed pony with loose curl. Part the hair in a U-shape starting from the top of the crown, down to each ear. Section the front off, while you secure a nice high pony with the hair behind the part line. Then loosly gather the front hair and sweep it back gathering it just over the elastic. Twist the section two times and lay the twist over the elasitic- secure with a couple bobby pins and fluff for volume.
The Twisted Top Knot- take your top not to a whole new level by adding a rope twist. Not sure how to rope twist? Check out my handy illustration here. It gives the look of a fancy braid, but only requires a few extra minutes.
The Double Up Half Up- make your half-up style twice as nice by pairing two twists together. Start by securing two sections from near the temples, swept back to the center. Flip the tail inward towards the head two times to make a twist. Fluff and pull apart the twists for more volume and texture. Repeat the step with two additional sections directly below the first for a layered look.
What's your go-to style in the Summer? Hope you'll try one of these too, xo