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Curling your hair can be a chore and one that can go off track real quick if you aren’t using the right tool for the look you want to achieve. Keep in mind that every head of hair will take curl differently, and factors like thickness, texture and even COLOR play a role in how your curls will turn out. Take a look at 5 awesome tools to achieve perfect curls, and grab a few of my expert tips in the video below. [video also here on youtube]

Tools to try:

There’s no ‘right or wrong’ with any of these, you just need to pick the type of curl that speaks to you most, and then also adjust the size of the barrel for your length of hair and how tight or loose you want you curls.

Here are a few other curling tips to consider:

Tip #1- Go back to basics; section your hair into smaller workable sections and keep your timing consistent on each curl to avoid too much variation or possible scorching.

Tip #2- Start with clean hair, prep the hair with a heat protectant and be sure to finish with a nice hair spray to preserve your work. If your hair is slippery and falls flat, try spraying in a texture spray to give your hair some grit before curling. like this one

Tip #3- Cool the curls twice as long as you heat them before brushing or tugging to lock in the curls for a longer period of time.

Tip #4- Sleep with curls in loose braids or stacked in a loose bun on top of your head, so you can refresh them in the morning without having to start all over again

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***GIVEAWAY*** Be sure you head over to my instagram and enter to win your own CHI Spin n Curl gizmo before the end of August.

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