In the past if you wanted to find cosmetics that had clean ingredients your options were very limited or completely non existent.. Those with sensitive skin or eyes, or those with allergies to common ingredients like Talc, Aluminum or Fragrance, really had no option for beauty products that performed the same way that traditional products did.

But times are changing and more and more brands are emerging with clean ingredients that perform well, all while leaving out chemicals known to cause issues. There are different measurements of 'clean' depending on who your asking- but the standard ingredient categories that most deem as clean avoid the use of:  parabens, phthalates, sulfates, silicones, polyethylene, aluminum salts, formaldehyde, talc, mineral oil, and petroleum 

There is another shift in the beauty world that really coincides with the clean movement, and that is a minimalist approach to makeup... pairing down our collections to include less products, but especially focusing on products that multitask and work really quickly for a less-is-more look. 

These five brands are my top picks for clean beauty, and my favorite item from each brand. Together they create a 5 product routine that will leave you feeling polished in a snap all while resting easy that the ingredients they use are clean and safe.